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Give your child the joy of playing games while strengthening their faith. Subscribe

Our mission is to craft immersive video games that reflect Christian values and teachings, fostering spiritual enrichment and exploration. We strive to create interactive experiences that inspire, uplift, and positively impact players through Bible-based narratives and engaging gameplay.

Interactive Online games

for kids of all ages.

From exploring grand adventures inspired by biblical truths to solving challenging puzzles, engaging with interactive coloring books, and responding to rhythmical musical cues, our games offer a unique experience for every child. We are dedicated to creating a safe and enriching environment where kids can learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ while having fun, ensuring that each video game is both entertaining and impactful.

Start 3 Days free trial

Why do parents trust Rain Hope Games?

  • Educational Content

  • Safe Gaming Enviroment

  • Positive Impact

Explore Our Articles

  • Why Rain Hope Games Are Essential for Your Child: 7 Important Reasons
  • The Influence of Games on building Jesus Christ's Character in Children
  • Enhance your home’s learning environment with Rain Hope Games

Start your free trial today

Rain Hope Games offers Bible scripture games, coloring books, puzzles, trivia, and many more engaging activities for kids to enjoy while learning in a safe, ad-free environment.

Enjoy our ad-free gaming experience, allowing you to focus on fun and learning without interruptions!

Start 3 Days free trial
Give everyone in your church access to Bible-based games, educational activities, and a safe, ad-free environment
for kids to grow in their faith while having fun.

One Gaming subscription. Unlimited access for the Family!

  • Annual Plan

    Just $6.41/month

    ($77 billed annually)
    Enjoy a 3-day FREE trial to explore
    all the fun and educational games!"

  • Monthly Plan

    $7.99 / month

    After your 3-day FREE trial.
    Enjoy uninterrupted access to our
    safe, ad-free games and activities!

Ready to Play?

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A beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes

Alert Type Example
A basic message
A title with a text under
A success message!
A modal window with a long content inside:
A custom positioned dialog
A modal with a title, an error icon, a text, and a footer
A confirm dialog, with a function attached to the "Confirm"-button...
By passing a parameter, you can execute something else for "Cancel".
A message with custom Image Header
A message with auto close timer
Custom HTML description and buttons
A message with custom width, padding and background
Ajax request example
Chaining modals (queue) example
Dynamic queue example